What is Yoga Nidra and How to Set Yourself Up in a Supported Savasana


What is Yoga Nidra?

Yoga Nidra, also known as "yogic sleep," is a state of consciousness in which the body is completely relaxed and the practitioner is in a state between wakefulness and sleep. It is a form of meditation in which the practitioner is guided through a series of relaxation techniques, including deep breathing and visualization, to achieve a state of deep relaxation. Yoga nidra is often practiced lying down, and is said to help reduce stress and improve sleep. Some people also use it as a tool to improve concentration, manage anxiety and depression, and increase overall well-being.

The Benefits of Practicing Yogic Sleep

Here are some potential benefits of practicing yoga nidra:

  1. Reduces stress and anxiety – Yoga nidra can help relax the mind and body, which can help reduce feelings of stress and anxiety.

  2. Improves sleep – Because it helps to relax the body and mind, yoga nidra can be an effective tool for improving sleep quality.

  3. Increases self-awareness – The deep relaxation and visualization techniques used in yoga nidra can help increase self-awareness and introspection.

  4. Boosts concentration and focus – Yoga nidra can help improve focus and concentration by calming the mind and reducing distractions.

  5. Increases feelings of well-being – The relaxation and stress-reducing effects of yoga nidra can help increase feelings of well-being and happiness.

  6. Increases feelings of creativity – The relaxation and visualization techniques used in yoga nidra can help increase feelings of creativity and inspire new ideas.

How to Prepare for a Class

Here are some tips for preparing for a yoga nidra practice:

  1. Find a quiet, comfortable place to lie down where you will not be disturbed.

  2. Use a yoga mat or other comfortable surface to lie on. You can also use blankets or pillows to support your body and make yourself more comfortable.

  3. Wear comfortable, loose-fitting clothing.

  4. If you are using a recorded yoga nidra session, make sure you have a device to play it on and that you are in a place where you can hear it clearly.

  5. You may want to have a blanket or shawl nearby to cover yourself with, as the relaxation techniques used in yoga nidra may cause your body temperature to drop.

  6. It can be helpful to set an intention for your practice before you begin. This can be something specific you want to work on, or a more general intention such as finding inner peace or increasing self-awareness.

  7. Finally, try to clear your mind and let go of any distractions or worries before beginning your practice.

How to Set Up a Comfy Supported Savasana

To set up a supported savasana for yoga nidra, follow these steps:

  1. Find a comfortable place to lie down, such as on a yoga mat or a comfortable carpeted surface.

  2. Place a folded blanket or pillow under your head to support your neck and head.

  3. Place a bolster or rolled-up blanket under your knees to support your lower back.

  4. Place a blanket or shawl over your body to keep warm and cozy.

  5. Adjust any other props as needed to make yourself comfortable. For example, you may want to place a small pillow under your arms to support your shoulders, or place a folded blanket under your ankles to support your legs.

  6. Once you are comfortable and supported, close your eyes and begin your yoga nidra practice.

Remember to focus on relaxation and let go of any distractions or worries. Try to keep your body still and your mind focused as you progress through the relaxation techniques.

Give this yoga nidra class a try and feel more at ease in your body and mind.

